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Cloaked        2018

An asymmetrical online multiplayer RTS-stealth-hybrid made with Unity

Teammates:                     Caspar Schirdewahn, Marie Günther, Vincent Freyer, Sebastian Schneider, Noah Osarenren

Development time:        Four months

My Tasks:                          Game design, coding, sound design, music, animation systems, visual effects, narrative development

Coaches:                           Susanne Brandhorst, Thomas Bremer, Walter Sänger

Cloaked Poster

Cloaked Poster

Hacked Infoboards

Hacked Infoboards

The Overseer from below

The Overseer from below

Overseer approaching

Overseer approaching

Receiving a movement command

Receiving a movement command

Mainframe unit

Mainframe unit

Movement command

Movement command

Attack command

Attack command

Overseer win screen

Overseer win screen

Cloaked postcard Saboteur

Cloaked postcard Saboteur

Cloaked postcard Overseer

Cloaked postcard Overseer

In this online multiplayer game one player player plays and RTS game while the other player plays as one of the RTS-Player's units, looking exactly the same as all other units and hiding within this army.

The RTS-Player's goal is to identify the Stealth-Player and have them destroyed by commanding their other units to attack them.

The stealth player must try to act like all the other drones when in the RTS-Player's view so they are not detected. They can also receive commands from the RTS-Player and are well advised to follow these orders to remain unsuspicious and hidden in plain sight.

The Stealth player's can sabotage the RTS-Player's army of drones by deactivating "Infoboards" that serve as control beacons. They also inform the stealth player about the location of a specific target unit that they have to destroy in order to win. 

Music and voice samples

Narratively, the game plays in a dystopian future in which an AI system has gained complete control over humanity with the goal to establish and maintain world peace - at all costs. The stealth-player is a saboteur who has hacked into one of the system's safety drones that patrol the streets at night to ensure that the curfew is not broken and order is maintained. The goal of their operation is to bring down the system in their sector by destroying its mainframe unit.

The RTS-Player plays as a loyal Overseer of their local sector, hired by the AI network to manage local operations and keep everything in order. Part of their job is to keep the mainframe unit safe at all costs.

The AI is represented through voice lines mostly coming from the infoboards scattered across the sector. Her voice spreads propaganda for the network and the AI's goals. If the saboteur hacks one of the boards, those voice lines are cut and spliced together in a way to mean the opposite.

Making of

Early ideation and prototyping

Early ideation and prototyping

From prototype to finished game

From prototype to finished game

Visual development

Visual development

Coaching session

Coaching session

Playtest session

Playtest session

Recording voice lines

Recording voice lines

Presenting our game

Presenting our game

Presenting our game

Presenting our game

Saboteur controls

Saboteur controls

Overseer controls

Overseer controls

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