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Funhouse     2016/2017

A texturing project inspired by the abandoned funhouse in Bushkill Park, Pennsilvania


Engine:                              Unity 5

My Tasks:                          Models, textures, materials, environment design, visual effects

Coaches:                           Neda Rajaeean

Entering the Funhouse

Entering the Funhouse

A forlorn lunchbox from the past

A forlorn lunchbox from the past

Warped mirror

Warped mirror

Faded paintings

Faded paintings

Rotating barrel

Rotating barrel

Dust in the sunlight

Dust in the sunlight



"Funhouse" is a room filled with detailed hero props making use of visual storytelling through textures, materials and lighting. Materials were made with Photoshop and the Substance suite.

Making of

Reference photos from Bushkill Park

Reference photos from Bushkill Park

Rotating barrel model

Rotating barrel model

Lunchbox model

Lunchbox model

Mirror model

Mirror model

Broken mirror model

Broken mirror model

Rotating barrel in Substance Painter

Rotating barrel in Substance Painter

Lunchbox in Substance Painter

Lunchbox in Substance Painter

Mirrorbox in Substance Painter

Mirrorbox in Substance Painter

Base-Color of rotating barrel

Base-Color of rotating barrel

Base-Color of Lunchbox

Base-Color of Lunchbox

Base-Color of mirrorbox

Base-Color of mirrorbox

Base-Color of mirror surface

Base-Color of mirror surface

Base-Color of wall

Base-Color of wall

Making materials: Substance Designer

Making materials: Substance Designer

Lighting in Unity3D

Lighting in Unity3D

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